Floor plan rendering is a very efficient way of showing what is happening inside a floor at a glance. In a good number of cases, the client might not have any idea on how to read a plan drawing. 3D floor plan rendering solves it all
This is how the drawings look, the most popular un-attractive way of representing #architectural #Plan drawings
To make better explanation of the project and for good marketing value, we created realistic way of presenting the floor plan so everyone can understand what is happening there. Take a look.
Please note the theme was #Scandenavian Interior design concept, if you do not know about the theme, it is minimal and mostly black, white and plants
There are two bedrooms, three bedrooms, and a one-bedroom studio apartments here. The flooring is of parquet woods. Everything is representing the Scandinavian concept by selective usage of furniture, color, and texture
Dhaka Designer is an architecture and interior design consulting studio based in Dhaka and providing services worldwide