Masterplan of a residential development on a 37 acre land in Ohio, USA
The place is planned to be a Jewish community with two types of residential lots, Synagogue, Dorm, Commercial zone and a Big central park
From the beginning, the idea was to create a design that has some kind of organic layout in it. Another guiding force was an existing line of dense tree line in the south of the site. This was used to create buffer between commercial and residential zone. The first mockup did have a kind of organic feel but still very rectangular commented by client
So, finally we went for a curved plan which also reduced the number of roads we needed. Only problem is all the plots are now of unique sizes. They have their own identity and definitely it became harder for us to create 21000 sft for each plot. Commercial area had two building units. One market and one cafeteria or gathering place.
The south east corner had the synagogue and a dorm for the residential students. The place also had a small baseball court for the kids. Here is the animated presentation we did for the client
Project Type: Schematic Design/Proposal
Location: Amberley, Ohio 45237, USA
Area: 56 Acres
Big Residential Lots: 70 Townhouse Lots: 34